Archive | August 14, 2014

“Third Saturday” bonus

As if we didn’t have enough fun last week with the Second Saturday Scrap, we are doing it again this week…although for a shorter time span.

You are welcome to join Katrina Sinift and me this Saturday, August 16, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. for Jammin’ And Scrappin’, a combined Close To My Heart Scrap and Jamberry Nails Open House. Come make a card and see some wonderful papercrafting products AND check out Jamberry nail wraps!! It’s a day of creativity, on and off the page!

We will, as usual, be at The Little House, 939 S. Chinowth Street (at Meadow), Visalia, CA. Bring stuff to work on and stay for hours, or drop in for a little while and see what’s new. (And it goes without saying that there will be plenty of chocolate.)

You will be able to make one or both of these cards:

Front of "Chalk It Up" card

Front of “Chalk It Up” card

""Scaredy cat" card:  "If the broom fits, Ride it!"

“”Scaredy cat” card: “If the broom fits, Ride it!”